

最近スクラップが多いですが、メモの為に。 We get used to particular newspapers and magazines and often, after a while, come to take their typical content for granted. Some degree of familiarity with a particular paper or magazine is often n…


A person's choice and use of words tells as much about him as do manners, dress, and general behavior. Your choice of words is not wholly accidental. Listen to someone speak for a few moments, or read something that he has written, and you…


某大過去問に興味深い文章を見つけたのでスクラップ。 One lesson that life teaches as we grow older is that both our fears and our hopes are mostly illusions and are not to be taken too seriously. Time after time we learn that that which we f…


学校の教材として配布された短文集に面白い物を見つけたのでスクラップしておく。 By intelligence we mean a style of life, a way of behaving in various situations, and particularly in new, strange, and perplexing situations. The true test of in…


英語の過去問に欧米の民俗学らしき文章を発見したので、復習を兼ねて抜粋。 Our early ancestors had little conception of the difference between human beings and the animal creation. To them all that had life was animated by a spirit, and the fo…


東方ピアノアレンジで有名な某御方が400字日記に至極納得のいく事を書いていらっしゃったので、引用。 音楽には変化が必須であるとよく言われる。単調になることは音楽の死だ。そう考えるから、皆、強弱を変えてみたり、音の厚みを変えてみたり、音色を変え…